CHA-OLOGY お茶とお菓子

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We are downsizing the sweets menu during normal opening days. If you are interested in items such as roll cake or tart, please order these via the monthly pre-order page on the website - for collection on one or two Sundays each month.

Since the end of 2018, we have started Sunday preorder collection service, to try to reduce the amount of disappointment and long queuing time for take out sweets items during our normal opening days. As we prioritise the sit in experience, we aim to serve all reserved sit in customers first before checking for any take out orders from customers queueing outside of the tea house. Since the start of the business in July 2016, the waiting has always received criticism, and Cha-ology has been viewed by many as a dessert house rather than a tea house. We have been working really hard in the last two years to remove this image, and trying to come up and test different methods to make it easier for customers who are mainly interested in sweets.

In addition, all the sweets are freshly prepared by one person, over the years I have pushed to work more hours each time to meet the demand of sweets. Even though our opening hours are only five a day, the actual working time is at least 10 hours. Sometimes when the tea house opens for the first groups of customers, I am already very tired. The sweets items are gradually overtaking the priority of tea which makes us feel a little bit upset. Therefore we are proposing this change, and we are hoping to have some small refurbishments for the tea house earlier next year and eventually we can have longer opening times (as we shorten the amount of time for preparing sweets daily).

In life, we learn what we like, what we do not like, what we want to do, and what we do not want to do. Over the years, we have slowly and gradually expanded the interests of people in Japanese tea, which is our ultimate goal. We have learned more what we want to do, to deliver a cup of tea to you, made from our heart. To create a calming atmosphere that you can enjoy some quiet tea time.

For everyone who has been with us all along this journey, we simply want to express our gratitude for your patience and understanding.

Thank you for your patience.