CHA-OLOGY お茶とお菓子

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It has been over two months since we closed our doors. It was just when we found our feet after the break-in, the government proposed the lockdown. We knew it would be a very tough journey ahead of us. The longer we stay closed, the more we are worried about continuity of our small teahouse. We must adapt and change the structure of operation, at least for a short while, without sacrificing health and safety.

After much deliberation, we have made the decision to reopen for preorder collection. We will start with a very small sweets menu in which you can preorder online and collect at a specific time. We will also have a few drinks for take away (which won’t need to be preordered).

Our aim is to serve people living locally to us at the moment. Please refrain from using public transportation to travel to us if you live far away. For people that are not local to us, we really look forward to preparing you a cup of tea in a calm and peaceful atmosphere again, when the time comes. Until then, you can still support us through our online shop for tea and tea ware delivery 

More details and schedule for June to come soon.
Thank you for your understanding.