CHA-OLOGY お茶とお菓子

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Unfortunately we had to cancel the autumn chakai this week. A public announcement was made a few days ago as follow:

I can't express enough how sorry we are and how devastating it is for us. We would have continued if we could but we just couldn't. Never in six and a half year that we were sick and had to cancel on our guests, especially not on our special events, that our chakai guests were so excited for. 

Initially we had a mild sore throat on Friday and took a covid test on Friday evening which came back negative, so we assumed it was just a sore throat. Towards Saturday evening it got worse. We still didn't think it was covid. On Sunday, we were getting ready but our symptoms went worse, to a point both of us couldn't speak. We took another test on Sunday morning and the results came back positive. Since then we have been in bed.

We have been wearing masks this whole time inside the teahouse even though it is no longer required by the UK government. We have emailed everyone we have been in contact on Saturday's chakai to look out for symptoms.  We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience that this has caused you.

Running a chakai is an extremely time consuming event, in both preparation and the actual running time. Unfortunately we are unable to start any preparations for this week's chakai as we are both still very very sick. Sore throat is simply an understatement.  Our throats feel like a hot iron burning and even swallowing water feels like eating sharp glass (I'm not exaggerating at all). We are also suffering from headaches and high fevers. Even if we get better in a couple of days, it would be unethical for us to go through the chakai, knowing that we might still be infectious and pass it on, and knowing that some of our guests might be vulnerable or might visit people that are vulnerable. The teahouse is about respect and caring for each other. I hope you understand this very very difficult decision we have to make.

At last, I want to reinforce the point that we are really small scale and any cancellations (this time from our side) really hurts. As a team of just the two of us, we have no one to rely on. We basically do everything ourselves. We have already spent a lot on ingredients and invested so much time in planning this chakai.

Our only option is to do a remake of autumn chakai (with a small alteration to the menu) in January, which would have been winter. We will be sending emails to everyone who has a seat booked this week. If January does not work, then we will issue a full refund. This is the least we can do.

My heart aches as I write this. If you know us, you know we give our 100% to what we do. Again I am extremely sorry for causing all the disappointment.

Once we get better we will be updating you with the dates we can do the remake of it in January. If there is absolutely no chance you can attend in January, please let us know and we will start the refund process straight away. 

Best wishes,