An extremely rare opportunity to taste three single cultivar matcha (Asahi, Ujihikari, Samidori) all at competition level by the legendary Tsuji san - a 5th generation in the family as well as the most decorated tencha producer.
This event is only recommended for guests who are interested in the highest quality matcha. Each guest will enjoy a serving of 2024 shuppin Asahi, shuppin Ujihikari, shuppin Samidori in usucha (so 3 bowls of usucha), followed by a tasting of koicha of each of them. We aim to spend one hour on each of the cultivar.
2 seasonal wagashi and wasanbon will be served for this event.
Menu is completely vegan friendly.
Date: 8th February Saturday 13:00-16:00
Duration: 3 hours
Seating: Tea bar, 6 guests maximum per timeslot
Price: £95per guest
The usual rules of the teahouse apply to this event, i.e. no perfume, no lipsticks, brief photos, no videos. Discussions amongst guests and hosts are highly encouraged!
Please choose the number of tickets and checkout with “collection from the teahouse” so you will not be charged for shipping.
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